Jonathan Avila

Jonathan loves putting together great, diverse ensembles that reflect what the world really looks like, and always looks for opportunities to cast actors from typically marginalized communities. Knowing first hand what it’s like to not see himself represented on screen, he feels it is important that casting work to provide voice for as many communities as possible.

Jonathan has been working in casting for more than 10 years. During that time, he has had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects on teams with DreamWorks Animation TV Casting, Linda Lowy Casting and BBC Worldwide Productions. In 2020, he became an Associate Casting Director on CBS’ ‘Ghosts’, working with the Elizabeth Barnes Casting team. 

Jonathan grew up in and around the California Bay Area. Through his involvement in a theatre camp, he had the opportunity to meet and learn from many industry professionals, including several casting directors. This piqued his interest in casting, which quickly led to his first casting internship for a feature film.

He loves television so much! From a young age, he found weekly escapes into compelling narratives unbeatable. Many years and projects later, he continues to find passion for episodic storytelling, and inspiration to write his own.

Outside of work, he likes quiet nights at home with a puzzle or book. Recently, he and his husband became foster parents with the hope of helping children in need of a home and ultimately expanding their own.